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Photo Credit: Lacey Ballow

I am Sherry, born on August 1, 1971, in Georgetown, TX. Raised and currently lives near the Salt Lake City, Utah hub.


How long have you been doing what you do, and how did you become an Intuitive Healer?

My Story~ How I created it all!


To answer these questions, now is the perfect time that I share with you a few defining moments for me resulting in a my "compelling story" that brought me to where I am today, coaching people just like you on exactly what to do to become pain free, emotionally stable and spiritually balanced, creating self-love, clarity, and peace in their current living experiences. These divine moments in my life happened over a series of events. So strap yourself in and I'll share pieces of my journey with you~


I am the proud Mother of 4 beautiful angels~

I am small business owner looking to expand after 9 years in practice.

I have been practicing and teaching natural medicine for 23 years.

My story begins by healing my own body, nervous system, sexual energy, emotions and my childhood energy. 


I was born into highly addictive family bloodlines on both sides. I had a lot to heal and work through as I grew up. Insomnia being a primary issue, addiction, depression, anxiety, pre-menstrual syndrome and hormonal imbalances to name a few.


As a baby I was born to a really young mom, a child herself at 16; I had a hole in the left ventricle lower atrium of my heart. The doctors told my parents I would have to have two surgeries to heal my heart. I had the first surgery at 6 weeks old in Galveston, Texas, can you even imagine that ? I can't. The 2nd major open heart surgery was at 5 years old at Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah just before the school year of kindergarten in 1975.


Fast forward to 21-23 years old, I started healing myself. I was seeing different mentors and different healers. I realized I was shifting my DNA and that of my own family. As I released the pain, traumatic experiences and emotions in my body, I learned that pain is simply a signal for something to shift in the body and in life.


Pain is a (signal alert) that something is out of alignment with the body's energy. We are creator source energy, or universal energy if you will. Aside from any personal belief's, the (pain) is just something

((out of alignment with you.)) It's not bad, right or wrong, just out of balance.


As I began to awaken and learn that I was accountable for my life and the things happening to me, the things I was choosing or not choosing, I was shifting. I started to do the things that I knew would make me better as a person, daughter, mom, friend, sister and just, in general, a nice, loving, giving, kind, beautiful person. As my beautiful, amazing 48 years have progressed, I now know that all spiritual human beings can heal if first of all if they CHOOSE to heal then given the proper nutrition, exercise, love and support.


It's all a choice. It's that simple~ Cough Cough~ You mean to tell me all my stuff is all created by me and can be healed by me?

Yes, that is exactly what I am saying! I am living proof, which is why I have now dedicated my adult professional career to serving and teaching others to do just that!


"Take your power back now from all that no longer serves you"~


In order for this healing and release to happen, you must be ready, hungry and willing to do the work! It's important to feel supported and loved. We all get it and want that, but do you choose it? Will you ask for assistance and support? This is a powerful tool I just gave you included here in this intro. ( Asking for support and true assistance )


I have worked with many private clients, spoken in front of many groups. I will be hosting and facilitating healing retreats in the beautiful mountains of my current hometown of Utah and other amazing requested locations.


I have been living my dream of owning my own private company and practice for coaching and wellness now a total of 23 years. I have up-leveled each time I have moved into a nicer home. I have increased my income for 8 straight years. I am closer now than ever before in buying my own custom built dream home!!! My life just keeps elevating as I elevate and expand!!! I have created my own signature designed coaching program that is off the charts... "Soul Transcendence™".


Who are my perfect clients you ask, and why walk with me?


I serve people just like you, joining me every day who desire soul spiritual reconnect and direction. The benefits of this program are so powerful that sometimes within the first 2 sessions or treatments you will have breakthroughs and start noticing your body's energies feeling a significant difference and physical shift right away.


The ideal clients I serve and support are people just like you!


  • Suffering from pain in one particular place in their body or multiple places

  • People asking why did this happen to me...

  • People who know they are intuitive and seeking to find their unique gifts

  • People who suffer from chronic pain, migraines, neck pain, shoulder pain

  • People who have emotional pain and don't know why

  • Car accidents, loss of a child, parent, jobs, homes, limbs, etc.

  • "Traumatic experiences"

  • Sexual imbalance or addiction

  • People who don't know why they're even in pain

  • Seeing doctors and getting no real answers

  • Unnecessary surgeries

  • Taking pain meds, over the counter meds or street drugs

  • Struggles in relationships because you lack the quality of living

  • Your nervous system is frayed, you snap easily or frustrated

  • You don't think the pain will ever heal and release

  • You don't feel good enough

  • You don't have the quality of life you desire

  • You can't do things you used to or want to

  • You're scared of the future and worry about it all the time

  • You know there is something more but don't know how to tap into it

What makes me different from other coaching programs?


My commitment to you is that I will walk with you, hold the space for you at your pace, we start where you are and have experienced much in my soon to be 48 years!


What you can count on with me in my healing practice & coaching program is:

  • I will ask you questions, and then I will ask you questions about those questions

  • I will be open and listen with love and support

  • I will lovingly support you in remembering your own truth and your own answers

  • I will lead and guide you to release your pain, your stuck emotions creating self-love, clarity, and compassion for you and your loved ones

  • I will teach you many techniques to assist you in releasing pain for yourself and others that have lasting effects

  • We will dive into the healing modalities to see which ones call to you and you will learn about those, such as chakra balance, energy healing, tapping method, etc. I will teach you the healing tools so you will always have them.

  • I not only review the physical, spiritual and energy/emotional systems, but we also review your health goals and take a peek into your nutritional ways to see where you can improve your overall lifestyle~ "After all, one part affects the whole in every single cell and body"~


I am so passionate about the possibilities that lay ahead for you that I have devoted my entire professional life to creating programs built on love, clarity, and trust to support all human spirit beings to awaken to their own truth and highest spiritual version of themselves!


You may not be ready to hear what I share with you -- but you can be sure I will always be honest with you in the most loving ways. We will discuss in depth the truth about what's standing in the way of your success and how to get rid of the pain and harmful emotions FAST so you can start creating better results, having fulfilling relationships in your life and achieve the goals and dreams you desire.


And of course, I always throw in a healthy dose of humor and inspiration, which always supports the process, right? What's life like without fun? We will definitely play and laugh along the way!




Sherry Ewell. Steed

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